Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Year Later

     I am a little ashamed to realize that it has been at least a year since I have been on here or written anything. Boy, what a year it has been too. I moved an hour and a half away from my home town to be with my boyfriend and his son. It has been a pretty big change in lifestyle for all of us. With all the changes I let my baking be moved to the back  burner. Now, do not get me wrong, I still did some baking for us personally. It was just hard trying to get my goodies out there for other people to try. I have up for a while and decided to do computer work from home instead. I had a bit more success with that than the baking. Now for the past several months I have been focusing a little more on my baking again as I began to seriously miss it. I have done quite a few things this past year that I am looking forward to sharing with you guys. I hope that you enjoy reading about my kitchen exploits as much as I enjoying having them.

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