Monday, December 10, 2012

(Cake) In A Jar

     What can you put in a jar? Not a question that you would really think to ask, is it? Well I decided to put cakes in a jar. They are cute and artsy gifts. Something that most people wouldnt expect to get. Not to mention easy to eat, just open the jar, pour on your choice of icing and dig in. When you are done you just put the lid on and pop it in the refrigerator if you did not eat it all. Another plus is you get to control the amount of icing you have if any at all. 

     Baking in the jar can be fun because different cakes rise differently. Some will rise just to the top and some will decide to turn into little cake volcanoes in your oven (a cookie sheet under the jars is a must). You have to play around and figure out just how much batter to put in the jar. Its not as easy as cooking in normal cake pans. But I love a challenge and the satisfaction of making something fun. I fully intend to keep playing around and seeing what all I can come up with. 
The top pic is my yummy Key Lime Cake recipe (a favorite among those who have tried it) that i make with my special home made cream cheese icing. The next pic is my crumble cake. It is just plain white cake dyed for Christmas. The first one in the pic was baked to have a marbled affect and the second was baked three separate colors to make a layered cake.  

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